The three question survey was given to twenty college students. Although many of the participants were of the LDS faith, not all of them attended Brigham Young University. Ten of the students were male and ten were female. The following questions were asked: Does your future include a career in the work force of any kind after your time in school? On a scale of 1-5, how influential do you feel social expectations were in forming your career choice or absence of career choice (5 being the most influential)? List the following in order of importance when considering your career choice: income, family time, location, and vacation time.
Careers in the Future

Societal Expectations
The next question involved more of a reflection on how each participant felt social expectations had affected their career plans. On a 5 point scale, the men averaged out to 2.4 and the women averaged out to 2.7. The difference wasn’t as large as I was anticipating, but there is still a .3 difference in how men and women feel that social expectations affect their career plans. The women’s mean may be higher because there has been more of societal definition of where the woman’s place should be compared to men. Class readings show that the way women behave correlates with how capable they are seen. For example, women that are seen as too feminine or not feminine enough are seen as less capable. This is known as the Double Bind principle (Jamieson, 1995). How the media influences how much femininity is the right amount for women, women are going to see themselves in a particular perspective, which will influence how competent they are seen by others, especially in the workplace. For example, female surgeons aren’t typically seen as very feminine or very masculine. In this way, the results show that women more than men feel like social expectations have in some way influenced their career choices.

The Big Picture
This survey was able to give further insight on how college students see their futures and their careers. This relates to gender and politics because the same principles that apply to women entering the workforce also apply to women entering the political arena. Just how young girls are influenced to join the work force by exposure of other women succeeding in it, they are also influenced to join politics through this role model effect (Campbell and Wolbrecht, 2006). While some of the data was not expected, it led to potential explanations as to why men and women behave differently. Overall, the data supported the idea that women feel that societal expectations has played more of a factor in choosing their careers than men and a great amount still feel like family time is the most important priority when looking at a career.
Hinckley, Gordon B. 1995. A Proclamation to the World.
(Accessed: November 15, 2012).
(Accessed: November 15, 2012).
Create a Graph. NCES. (Accessed: November 15, 2012).
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. 1995. Beyond the Double Bind: Women and leadership
(Accessed: November 15, 2012).
(Accessed: November 15, 2012).
Campbell, David E., and Christina Wolbrecht. 2006. See Jane Run: Women politicians as role models for adolescents. Journal of Politics
(Accessed: November 15, 2012).
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